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Sweet Bee Cake Designs

Sweet Bee Cake Designs


If I’m honest, I never saw myself as a cake decorator growing up but when my older sister suggested I move to Melbourne with her and start an apprenticeship in cake and pastry I thought “why not?!” Within the first few days of this new career adventure I was hooked! The days were long and hard but I just loved the smell of cakes cooking in the oven, the detail and accuracy required in every element of baking and creating something sweet and delicious that filled people with such happiness and joy.
After completing my apprenticeship in 2015, I moved back closer to my family in Wagga Wagga, NSW. It was here that I started making special occasion cakes just for friends and family but it didn’t take long for me to start up my own cake business from home. I had just got my first tattoo of a bee on my arm and from here Sweet Bee Cake Designs was born.
So much has happened since then; too many late nights to count, a mental breakdown or two, a change of address or three, even a global pandemic!! But my business still stands and is my creative haven where I feel most at home.
I believe over the years Sweet Bee Cake Designs has become known within Wagga Wagga as well as surrounding areas as a reputable business within the wedding industry with a little bit of my heart and soul going into each cake. Whether your looking for simple classic designs or after something a little different I can guide you to a beautiful delicious centrepiece for your big day.

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