The story of Otuday’s latest collection, True Romance, is born of a search for fabrics with a softer touch and laces from another time. The fine folk of Otuday tell us their designs are for “a very special bride, that kind of girl who knows what she wants and who she wants”.
Vaporous dresses of cheesecloth attached with silk gauze, vintage designs, a folk touch and the novelty of artisan fancywork, mixed and sewn up with a 20’s beaded fabric, make up just a few of the quirks of this Spanish labels latest offering.
The new collection takes it’s name from the song ‘True romance’: true love, this prodigious feeling which inspires. Bob Dylan, Edith Piaf, Cat Powers and Nina Simone also have been invaded by it, and they have in turn invaded Otaduy.
Flowers, loose hair and bohemian bridal gowns are back. True love is back.
CREDITS Photos Carlos Moreno // Stylist Miriam Esteban // Bridal gowns Otuday