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Doe + Deer Wedding Photography

Doe + Deer Wedding Photography

I’ve always been drawn to photographing people and for the longest time I had no idea why. It was only after having my own children and looking back at photos, I realised I wanted to capture how that moment felt. Images should portray emotions, I want to take you back and make you feel the day all over again. I am a people watcher, pop me in a busy coffee shop, I could sit there for hours just watching the connection between people. Watching the sweet touch of a new couple, the handhold of the elderly, understanding the tired mum chasing her 18-month-old around the room. Life is so fleeting, in the end memories are all we have. Sometimes I find the greatest images are taken during the most simple moments. There is perfection in the imperfect. I just LOOVVEEE love and connection.

Weddings should be fun, a celebration. All too often stress and wedding seem to go hand in hand, let me be a breath of calm. I become the coordinator, stand-in bridesmaid, boutonniere attacher, timeline manager and sun chaser. I’ll smile with you, laugh with you and cry behind the camera hoping no one notices while your dad dances with his little girl. Weddings are so much more than one day, so much heart goes into the planning.

Your portraits should be fun, after all it’s the only time of the day that you are able to spend with your absolute nearest. Think of me as coming along to hang out for the afternoon simply to have a good time, pretty pictures are a bonus. Let’s create magic together.

Based / Service Area

Gold Coast