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Jennifer Mountain

Jennifer Mountain



Hello there!

I am excited to offer my services to help you look and feel your absolute best on your wedding day. You can choose from Makeup & Hair styling alone, or if you would love a holistic approach, Reiki, Guided Meditation or a Sister Circle can add a beautiful touch to your wedding morning or a more meaningful alternative for your Hen’s or event.


I specialize in creating soft, natural looks that are all about bringing out the best parts of you. With my extensive experience in the TV & Advertising industry, I know what works beautifully on camera and how to achieve it while still keeping things natural. Plus I use only the best professional products with a focus on choosing ethical and low toxin ingredients to give you the perfect polished look for your special day.


Take some time to relax and rebalance by booking a Reiki session either before the wedding day or calm and ease nerves with a mini session on the day itself. A guided meditation can also help you let go of any anxieties and focus on gratitude and love. Or spend the morning of your wedding day in a sacred Sister Circle, surrounded by the women closest to you, sharing wisdom and blessings before you take the walk down the aisle.

I am thrilled to work with you and create the perfect experience for your wedding day. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any inquiries or requests!

Jen x

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