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Inspiration: Wedding Cake Ideas

Inspiration: Wedding Cake Ideas

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Be it a caramel drizzled delectable dessert (like the one pictured above, captured by Rachel Takes Pictures) or a mouthwatering doughnut tower, your cake is a big part of your even bigger day – which is why we’re super stoked to share a tonne of tasty inspiration with you!

Whether naked (or semi-naked) cakes topped in blooms a plenty are your thing (way to go Creative Hunger!) or you’re more of a buttercream babe, a wedding cake is the perfect way to add an extra pinch of personality to your celebration.

Going for an elegant, rustic look? Cake Ink. with photo by Ben Swinnerton opted for light frosting and some beautiful greenery and blooms for an added touch.

Thinking of switching cake for something a little more unique? How about macarons, doughnuts or some other kind of dessert! We are loving the look of those sweet macs captured by Trent & Jessie.

Whatever your budget, theme and location, we’ve got you sorted with inspiration for your delicious dessert on your big day. You can check out more wedding cake ideas here, here and here.

Creative-Hunger_Stewart-Leishman-Photography Cake-Ink_Ben-Swinnerton Creative-Hunger_Jessica-Abby-Photography Alex-Marks Amanda-Alessi_161112_Sophie_Matt_Initial-0116 Amanda-Alessi_161112_Sophie_Matt_Initial-0117 Jimmy-Rapper_Alyce&Mitch(1of1)-3 Madeline-Druce_035_Liane+Mark Melinda&Jamie_MattGodkinPhotography-218 olivia+glenn_olguinphotography(167of273) Scott-Surplice_Brittney-and-Jason_1 Scott-Surplice_Brittney-and-Jason_3 Stories-By-Ash_SBASH-LAUREN-WILL-460 Stories-By-Ash_SBASH-LAUREN-WILL-461 Trent-and-Jessie_Jess-+-Rizky-2 Trent-and-Jessie_Jess-+-Rizky-3 Trent-and-Jessie_Jess-+-Rizky-5 Trent-and-Jessie_Jess-+-Rizky-6 Trent-and-Jessie_Jess-+-Rizky-7 Trent-and-Jessie_Jess-+-Rizky-8

CREDITS Photos (from top) Rachel Takes Pictures, Stewart-Leishman-Photography, Ben SwinnertonJessica Abby Photography, Alex Marks, Amanda Alessi, Jimmy Raper, Madeline Druce, Matt Godkin, Olguin Photography, Scott Surplice, Stories By Ash, Trent & Jessie.

Inspiration: Wedding Cake Ideas

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