Forget less is more. More is best when it comes to a bold, beautiful and bountiful bouquet for your day of good times. We’re talking wonderfully large roses and peonies, orchards that gracefully fall to the floor and a wonderland of complimentary colours in shades of pinks, peaches, creams and violets.
Just look at the gorgeous bouquets directly above and directly below created by Melbourne fave Petra from Pomp and Splendour, so rich and full of texture. These guys are known for creating something original and oh so unique for each and every bride that walks through their door and lucky for North Coast brides-to-be Petra has recently opened a second floral studio based in Byron Bay. Meaning they are now servicing a large part of the east coast.
You’ll find other inspirational bouquets below too from florists like Film and Foliage (our fave Hunter Valley florist), Petal and Fern (Sydney based floral styling genius) and Ivy & Bleu Events (Gold Coast legend) and Pia and Jade (our go-to for epic blooms on the South Coast) and that’s just to name a few, you’ll find the rest of the talented florists and photographers featured in this story listed at the base of this post.
If this isn’t enough gorgeousness to satisfy your appetite then be sure to click here for a list of our fave florists Australia wide and here for some serious floral ceremony styling inspiration.

CREDITS Photos & Flowers (from top) Tony Evans Photography (Pomp & Splendour), Madeline Kate Photography (Pomp & Splendour), Lucy Sheedy (Kate Dawes Floral Design), Anna Caitlin Photography (Small Yard Flowers), Anna Turner Photography (Petal & Fern), Camilla Kirk Photography (Xavier Nicolle Flowers), Keegan Cronin (Film & Foliage), CJ Williams Photography (Plumm Wood Flowers), Tones & Harmony (Pia and Jade), Paris Hawken (Rose & Wild), Dan Oday (The Sisters), Sarah Everything Photography (Blumenmädchen Köln), James Simmons (Sheridan Tjhung), Janneke Storm (Willow Bud Flowers), Gui Jorge Photography (Aisle of Eden), Paris Hawken (Cilla Marlow), Stories By Ash (Wilderness Flowers), Mike Hemus (Ivy & Bleu Events), Janneke Storm (Bower Botanicals), Its Beautiful Here (Babylon Flowers).